Manhunter (1986) - The rarely talked about neo-noir masterpiece from Michael Mann.

My girlfriend and I watched this last night and were blown away. It's like the original, authentic template of all the post-Drive, synthwave, aesthetic, vaporwave worship swirling around now-a-days.Killer synth-driven score and soundtrack.Beautifully composed shots.Great performances (Tom Noonan in particular gives a...
Stanley Tucci in The Lovely Bones is one of the most terrifying performances of a serial killer

It was a bit unlucky that Heath Ledger came out with his historic turn as the Joker the same year. Heath obviously deserved every award. IMO If it was any other year Stanley would have won. I dont think The Lovely Bones is even a very good movie. I just think its a shame that it seems to be sorta forgotten? I think it...
Any love for Trading Places (1983)?

So much attention given recent events is to films like Wolf of Wall Street, but I’m holding out hope for gifs and memes showing love for this classic starring Eddie Murphy, Dan Ackroyd, and Jaime Lee Curtis.Fun fact: the billionaire brothers who get shafted at the end are the homeless guys Price Akeem gives his cash to...
Shaolin Soccer - A kick-ass of a comedy

I was really stressed because of college examinations. I decided to give it a break and watch Shaolin Soccer on the TV with my family. The film had already started and 10 mins had already gone by but I didn't feel like I missed out anything.The comedy level here is so non-sensical and the extinction of physics they cause...
Streaming is amazing, but I miss deleted scenes, alternate endings, bloopers, making of, and director commentaries.

I know some streaming platforms offer some of these some of the time, I wonder why it's not more readily available? Seems like an easy win for platforms to host these contents easily with little additional overhead cost. Exploring the DVD/Bluray menus and bingeing the bonus features of your favorite movies is an extra...
First Time watching LoTR: FotR

First off, wow.This movie does live up to my expectations from what I’ve heard. I was on the edge of my seat for most of the movie and loved all the little character moments they had. Definitely one of the best movies I’ve seen. By the time the movie was done, i couldn’t believe it had been 3 hours of fun and action.One...
Last actor/actress with a credited role in a silent movie is dead.

According to wikipedia, there are only 4 actors with uncredited roles alive, so then Don Marion Davis: 4 credited roles: the last person to die (last december) with a credit role in a movie in the silent film era , I find that fact very interesting, but it has passed totally...
Rush Hour 2 is one of the greatest and most re-watchable action comedies of all time

Tarantino once talked about how re-watching Dazed and Confused was like catching up with old friends and that's how I feel watching Rush Hour 2. Rush Hour 1 was a bit more drama and realism and Rush Hour 3 was a little too much comedy but was Rush Hour 2 was JUUUUUUUUUUUUST Right. The perfect balance of comedy and serious...
Tom Cruise and Will Smith each had insane streaks of 7 consecutive movies grossing $100m+ domestic, and 11 consecutive movies grossing $100m+ worldwide, and they were almost all non-franchise films.

Tom Cruise#FilmYearDomesticWorldwide1Cocktail1988$172MM2Rain Man1988$355MM3Born on the Fourth of July1989$161MM4Days of Thunder1990$158MM5Far and Away1992$138MM6A Few Good Men1992$243MM7The Firm1993$270MM8Interview with the Vampire1994$224MM9Mission: Impossible1996$458MM10Jerry Maguire1996$274MM11Eyes Wide Shut1999$162MMMagnolia19991Mission:...
MovieModsRecommend: The Sweet Hereafter

We mods are in this subreddit daily and know the users feel like the same movies are talked about way too often. The most popular movies on Reddit are certainly some great ones, but every week we're going to recommend what we think are good movies and aren't discussed much in this subreddit. These recommendations aren't...
What's something about filmmaking that blew your mind?

When you were a kid or maybe a tween/teen (or perhaps an adult), what's a behind-the-scenes fact about movie making that stunned you?For myself, it was learning most films aren't shot in chronological order. My young mind literally couldn't compute for a second 😂. I thought I was pretty knowledgeable as a kid, as I used...
Prisoners may be Gyllenhaal’s best performance?

Just watched Prisoners for, I believe, my third time.First off, I think this movie is a home run. It’s got an all star cast, brilliant performances, a genuinely original storyline with emotionally complex characters, a lovely muted color palette (love the omission of any red lights on the police cars, only blue), and...
Mom is in bed with Covid-19, want to get her a few movies to pass time.

Hi Reddit,As the title says, my mom is sick with the rona and is currently in bed all day.Im all the way across the country and can't really do much for her from here.So I was thinking I will download her a few movies to watch. (Technology (netflix etc) isn't her thing).Her favourite movie is "Ghost" 1990 with Patrick...
Dead Poets Society 🥲

Just wanted to share this because it’s such an incredible movie, really hits your heart. This movie came out in 1989 so people younger than 20 may not know. Robin Williams is absolutely phenomenal, his character in that movie is inspirational and the message he portrayed is so ironic of his untimely death 🙏🏻 If you’re...
Rami Malek's intense facial expressions in "The Little Things"

Searched for a discussion thread on this film and was surprised nothing came up besides a topic about the poster.For what it's worth, I really liked Mr Robot and thought Rami Malek was pretty good as Freddie Mercury. But I'm 3/4 of the way through this movie, and to say that Malek hams it up is a bit of an understatement....
Watched Happy Gilmore as an adult. Died.

Caught Happy Gilmore with Adam Sandler yesterday. Oh my god.As a 33 year old guy trying to get into golf, and being absolutely horrible at it in my cause, this movie hit home so hard. I haven't watched it in over a decade easily, but holy crap does it stand up.And Virginia Bennett! Bruh her career blew up on Modern Family....
“The Little Things” Discussion Thread

RT: 49% Tomatometer / 60% audience scoreDeputy Sheriff Joe "Deke" Deacon joins forces with Sgt. Jim Baxter to search for a serial killer who's terrorizing Los Angeles. As they track the culprit, Baxter is unaware that the investigation is dredging up echoes of Deke's past, uncovering disturbing secrets that could threaten...
Pretty cool AMC was roped in with Gamestop

Not because of a money making opportunity, but rather AMC potentially staving off going out of business. Hopefully it doesn't completely dump after all is said and done, and this gives them the legs to make it through this pandemic.As a big screen movie fan, this has been awesome to see. Rooting for AMC. via /r/movies...
Dune and No Time to Die are being released at the same time.

After many delays, Dune will be released on the 1st of October and No Time to Die will be released on the 8th of October. That's if no delays happen again. I'm keen for both movies and want both to do as well as possible. But I believe that having them being released a week apart will effect each other. via /r/movies...