Monsters, Inc. speech patterns of 8 monsters

I think every character in "Monsters, Inc." has a simple abstract speaking patternyou can formulate those patterns with the help of a few concepts that I hope will be intuitive enough (let's go!)Every name is a link to the Pixar's trailerBeware: it's a highly speculative idea and I'm just your average uneducated Joe. May be total garbage... but it's very important for me anyway, it's not some deliberate joke.The idea is to make some concepts you can apply to speechThen to apply it on different "levels" of a spoken messageAnd so you get a description of a "speech pattern".Please tell me if that idea is intuitive enough!Let's go:on low level Mike goes (-) from a thing to a thing and adds on (+) topicson high level Mike describes conjugated factors (,,) or the most important fact at the moment (.)(-) is a wild carda simple example of (+) is "I love ice cream! What a good day to love ice cream! It's so good to be able to love something!"you just pile up new (versions of) topics"conjugated factors" is a condition between 2 or more factors that defines the situationa simple example of (,,) is "I'm running to the water. But She's trying to catch me!"in this example the situation is defined by a "chase" of two people(.) is the most important fact/event that doesn't need any context to be understood, every bit of (.)-speech is a self-sustained pointa simple example of (.) is "I won't give up. Giving up isn't an option. Any problem has a solution"in this example you can split the speech into pieces without losing any contextI was on TV. Ha. (-)(+) Did you see me? (-)(+) I'm a natural.I could use the exercise? (-)(+) Look at you! You have your own climate. (gonna explain)on low level (information): Mike jumps from a thing to a thing and adds new topicson high level (situation): Mike describes how Sulley is hypocritical when talking about exerciseon low level Sulley talks about conjugated (,) circumstances and adds (>) informationon high level Sulley describes an event embedded (>>) in a larger context or conjugated factors (,,)a simple example of (,) is "I'm running to the beach. People are playing at the beach"in this example two pieces of information are united by common circs (the place - the beach)a simple example of (>) is "I was going to the bookstore. I was counting flowers on the way"in this example you just expand on the thing you already saida simple example of (>>) is "The winter is harsh. Sometimes you get cold."an event (getting cold) is embedded in the wider context of the winterWe're just going through a rough time, sir. (,)(>) Everyone knows you gotta get us through it.Mike, think about it. (,)(>) If we send her back, it's like it never happened. (,)(>) Everything goes back to normal. (gonna explain)on low level (information): Sulley tells conjugated (,) circumstances and adds (>) informationon high level (situation): Sulley describes how life being normal is connected to Boo and also explains how an event will turn out in a wider context of "everything"A side note (1): concepts I describe intersect very much; for a specific quote you often can make multiple descriptions, but if you consider multiple quotes you can see what description "sticks"/"survives"on low level Randall goes (-) from a thing to a thing or uses strong/logical (=) connectionon high level Randall describes conjugated factors (,,) or their speech doesn't add up to anything (0)(-) is a wild carda simple example of (=) is "You can't beat me! I am the champion of the galaxy!"two speech bits are strongly/logically connected or equivalent here"conjugated factors" is a condition between 2 or more factors that defines the situationa simple example of (0) is "Berries are good. I ate some berries." ->what do BOTH sentences describe together? a situation? a particular fact? Nothing in particularI'm in the zone today, Sullivan. (-)(=) I'm going to be doing some serious scaring, putting up some big numbers.Word on the street is the kid's been traced back to this factory. (-)(=) You haven't seen anything, have you? (gonna explain)on low level (information): Randall goes from a thing to a thing or tells logically connected or equivalent thingson high level (situation): Randall gives two factors "it was traced to the factory = somebody on the factory might've seen it" defining the situationA side note (2): markings (_) are just a tool to help you see the patternson low level Mr. Waternoose goes (-) from a thing to a thing or adds (>) informationon high level Mr. Waternoose describes conjugated factors (,,) or their speech doesn't add up to anything (0)a simple example of (>) is "I was going to the bookstore. I was counting flowers on the way"in this example you just expand on the thing you already saida simple example of (0) is "Berries are good. I ate some berries." ->what do BOTH sentences describe together? a situation? a particular fact? Nothing in particularThere is nothing more toxic or deadly than a human child. (-)(>) A single touch could kill you!An entire scare floor out of commission. (-)(>) What else could go wrong?Tell that to the board of directors. (-)(>) James, this company has been in my family for three generations. (-)(>) I would do anything to keep it from going under. (gonna explain)on low level (information): Mr. Waternoose goes (-) from a thing to a thing or expands (>) on the thing they already saidon high level (situation): Mr. Waternoose gives two factors "this company is very valuable to me = I would do anything to keep it (= directors threaten it)" defining the situationon low level Roz goes (-) from a thing to a thing or uses strong/logical (=) connectionon high level Roz describes a situation based around the key fact (O) or the most important fact at the moment (.)(-) is a wild card(O) is a recap of the situation,a simple example of (O) is "I'm too old for this shit!" or "I am so hungry, I could eat a horse!"those words can describe both an abstract fact and a concrete situation with continuously caused implicationsWell, isn't that nice? (-)(=) But guess what? (-)(=) You didn't turn in your paperwork last night.None of this ever happened, gentlemen. (-)(=) And I don't want to see any paperwork on this. (gonna explain)on low level (information): Roz goes (-) from a thing to a thing or tells a thing that follows from the previous thingon high level (situation): tells the most important fact or quickly characterizes the situation ("never happened/don't wanna hear about it")It's hard to talk about Celia 'cause of short lines but we can try to guess some stuff ->on low level Celia maybe uses (=) logic or equivalence connectionon high level Celia maybe tells the most important fact (.)Oh, Michael, I've had a lot of birthda - well, not a lot of birthdays, (=) but this is the best birthday ever.Michael, if you don't tell me what's going on right now, (=) we are through! Do you hear me? Through! (gonna explain)on low level (information): Celia tells conditions and truly connected thingson high level (situation): Celia delivers the most important facts "You should tell or everything is over / This is the best birthday of all"on low level Fungus adds (>) information or uses strong/logical (=) connectionon high level Fungus describes conjugated factors (,,) or the most important fact at the moment (.)Hmm, you're still behind, Randall. (=) You know, maybe I should re-align the scream intake valve.. (gonna explain)THE FRONT PAGE! It's on the front page! The child! (>) The one you were after!I did a simple calculation factoring in the size of the sushi restaurant. (=)(>) The child may have escaped!on low level (information): Fungus adds information or a conclusion to what they saidon high level (situation): Fungus describes two conjugated factors - Randall's performance and their responsibilityon low level Yeti adds on topics (+) or says conjugated (,) circumstanceson high level Yeti describes an event embedded (>>) in a larger context or their speech doesn't add up to anything (0)a simple example of (>>) is "Life is hard. Sometimes you get in trouble."an event "trouble" is embedded in the wider context of "life"a simple example of (0) is "Flowers smell so good! I picked some flowers for you" ->what do BOTH sentences describe together? a situation? a particular fact? Nothing in particularAh, poor guy. I understand. (,)(+) It ain't easy being banished. (,)(+) Take my buddy, Bigfoot. When he was banished, he fashioned an enormous diaper out of poison ivy.You wanna go to the village? (,)(+) Okay, rule number one out here: Always… no. Never go out in a blizzard. (gonna explain)on low level (information): Yeti says conjugated circumstances "you go - here's a rule about going" or adds on topic about some blizzard ruleon high level (situation): Yeti says the context of why nobody goes out in blizzard or just various stuff you can't add up togetherI believe those patterns are thinking patterns, they tell (in an abstract way) on what a character focuses on.You can view those patterns as different "exposition roles", each character tells you something about some layer of the situation.You also can try to "arrange" those patterns in a single global "spectrum". "The spectrum" consists of 2 parts (inside and outside), the patterns with the (0) element occupy the inside of the "spectrum" ->Mr. Waternoose < Yeti < Randall (inside)Mike and Roz and Fungus and Sulley and Celia (outside)The farther you go, the more characters focus on a single fact... or the farther you go the more context-independent or conditions-independent or context self-contained or absent of links to outside factors or ""open"" it gets.For example: Mr. Waternoose sees themselves as a victim of circumstance and responsibility < Yeti is guided by abstract facts of life and experience < Randall operates by his own wishes or conditions of jealousy.P.S.If those patterns apply to real people & music bands they are very important,I want to attract attention to those patterns and eventually check if they are real.I worry about my health, I'm going to doctors... currently I'm worried about my eyesI dedicate my posts to real people, to people I know, to old chess players I know and to my love 18 y/older than me in an oppressed european country via /r/movies

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