Anybody else love the immersive atmosphere of Hadleys Hope colony from the movie ALIENS (1986) ?!

Hi guys, this may be an odd entry so bare with me. Just something to get off my chest. I first got hooked into ALIENS when I was 15 or 16 (13 years ago). I grew up and lived in the same apartment in London for almost 30 years and sometimes at night, I would hear this ambient sound coming from somewhere beyond my flat - possibly some white noise from the city or sound travelling from the flats beneath me. But it sounded like a low synthesized hum - a sound which I always associated with the movie ALIENS. I can't explain it. But everytime I heard this low subtle hum at night, I'd imagine that I was sitting in some room within Hadleys Hope and I got feelings of cosiness. I would imagine traversing through Hadleys Hope - obviously before the xenomorph invasion lol.Does anybody else have similar experiences like this? Anyone else have an experience like this about Hadleys Hope or another location from a different movie altogether?P.S. I think I associate the hum with ALIENS because on the Special Edition dvd menu, there is a similar sounding long synth note and I always linked it with Hadleys Hope. And because I used to watch ALIENS mostly at night time in the dark when it was quiet outside! via /r/movies

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