Nothing puts me on cloud nine more than when someone absolutely falls in love with a movie I recommended to them.

I just showed Knives Out to my brother and he went from being less than interested in the begging to getting totally enthralled by the time we see Marta's side of the story. Later on, in the car ride home, he was just totally talking my ear off about how much he loved specific scenes and how great Chris Evans was and how it was the best movie he'd seen in a while. Now I'm riding on cloud nine, hell I feel like I just won a trophy of some kind. Can't wait to show him some more of my favorites. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/33fa8gj
What movie scene makes you ugly cry?

I'm sure this question has been asked to death on here, but I'd love to get some of your opinions on thisI have a weird, let's call it a vice, where I really really enjoy watching emotional movies that make me tear up. Maybe it's because I'm a 26 year old dude and I don't cry a whole lot, so having a cinematic experience that can evoke such an emotional response is a sort of release. It makes me feel human and can be very humbling. But I digress.Some notable movie scenes that really get me every time are:the scene in Return of the King where everybody bows down to the hobbits when Aragorn is crowned kingThe ending of Toy Story 3That scene in Click where the father falls in the rainWhat's your number 1 fountain inducing movie scene? via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3imzVYk
I'm an actor who has played Ned Ryerson, Sammy Jankis, Jack Barker, and Dr. Berkowitz in One Day at a Time. I'm the host of the Tobolowsky Files. Ask me anything!

Stephen Tobolowsky here. You probably know me from my appearances in over 200 TV shows and films, including Groundhog Day, Memento, Californication, Silicon Valley, The Goldbergs, One Day at A Time. I also host a podcast called the Tobolowsky Files, which features true stories about my life. We're launching our new season this week, along with a Youtube channel featuring similar stories told in front of a live (pre-COVID) audience! Check out an example of one of my live stories here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNjLMX28kLYSubscribe to the podcast: https://ift.tt/3n1rlBI to the YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/tobofilesI am here to answer your questions and to take a limited number of video requests (ask me to perform something or do a line reading!), which I will post on the new YouTube channel. If you could subscribe, we'd be much obliged. Let's do this thing!Proof: https://ift.tt/3ieO1uv via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3n1qReS
( Jake Gyllenhaal) From Nightcrawler, Enemies, Nocturnal animals to Prisoners. Gyllenhaal is one of the better Actors of the last 20 years, but I don't think that He is given the same A-list respect of his contemporaries.

Right off the bat, I am not a JG superfan. Just an observation.In a world where Actors and Actresses playing superheroes are getting the lions share of the accolades and attention and Leo seems to have the auteur acting game on lock. it is interesting to a leading man develop in a more subtle way, almost out of the spotlight.I know he had a quick gig in the new spiderman movie, but Jake Gyllenhaal has been cranking out nuanced, grounded performances for the last ten years. Prisoners, nightcrawler, enemy, southpaw, end of watch, and stronger have all been fantastic films that focus on character development and story.So upon looking at his fantastic filmography, I had to wonder, why don't we talk about Jake the same way we talk about Leonardo DiCaprio, Christain Bale, or Tom Hanks? via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3jdzEYG
“Twister” doesn’t get enough credit for being one of the most bad ass movies from the 90’s.

I watched it a ton when I was a kid. Looking back at it now, it is still such a badass movie.Visual effects were solid for the time, had Van Halen do the main soundtrack theme, Bill Paxton/Helen Hunt/Phillip Seymour Hoffman running the cast, and just an all around super solid action/suspense that made you nervous by the size.I grew up in America’s “Tornado Alley” and this movie scared me way more than vampire and scary monster type of movies. The way that storm trackers are written are so accurate from what I’ve seen from real people in those positions. The way they “respect” the beast that the twister is still hits to this day. It’s scary because it’s real life, but it’s awesome in every single way.I’ve personally never seen someone talk about this movie before (cue the Reddit guy who wants to show me that someone from 7 years ago posted about it once) and I have no clue why. If for whatever reason you aren’t aware of this movie or haven’t seen it OR haven’t seen it for a long time, it’s worth your while. Holds up on every way. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3cE5sna
TRADING PLACES (1983) - I'm glad I've found this step by step explanation online, had to read it three times but I'm glad I finally understand what the hell is going on here.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoUnvVRYzzAThe scheme "buy low, sell high" is easy enough to understand, but what is not explained is what is being bought and sold: it is not orange juice itself, but so called "futures" in orange juice.In the commodity trade, "future contracts" is an agreement to buy or sell a commodity at a fixed price, at a certain date in the future, no matter what the market price is on that day. For example: if you have a contract to buy, and the market price has risen above the value of that future, you can purchase the commodity for the cheaper price set in the contract, and then sell it again at the higher market price. This is an instant profit, and this is what the Dukes are hoping for.The Dukes instruct their trader to secure futures to buy orange juice. They think this is a sure bet, because they have a report that says the orange crop will be bad. With a bad orange crop the market price of orange juice will go up. So later they can buy juice at the cheap price set in the futures contract, and immediately sell at the higher market price. Everyone else sees the Dukes do this, and joins in. when everyone is buying and few are selling, the price of futures go up. So now plenty of people have obliged themselves to buy orange juice at a high price, later on.Winthorpe's shout - that sets off the frenzy - is "SELL 200 April at 1.42". This means: "Let us agree that I will sell orange juice to you in April, for 1.42 a piece". The reason everyone is so excited is that they think in April, the price will be much higher than 1.42. This sudden change - with someone selling instead of buying - causes the price to start dropping. The buyers are still happy, because they expect the prices to be high in April.Then comes the reveal: the orange crop is fine, hence the orange juice prices will NOT be high in the upcoming year. With that the price of orange juice will be low in April.Now everyone that has obliged themselves to buy from others risk being stuck with orange juice they have paid a lot for. And since orange juice spoils, they MUST find someone that promises to buy it, or the loss is complete. The frenzy to sell causes the price to plummet even faster. Winthorpe and Valentine only need to wait a bit, and then they reverse course, now promising to buy orange juice from others, at a lower price. This is the orange juice they will sell to others in April, which they obliged themselves to do earlier.In the end, Winthorpe and Valentine are left with contracts that obliges them to buy orange juice at a low price. But they also have the obligation of others to buy orange juice from them at a high price, giving them a very good profit on each of their contracts.The Dukes of course are left with the opposite - because they bought high, and were then forced to sell low - which bankrupts them. The reason this happens immediately is because they are getting a "margin call" at the end of the day's trading. When you are trading in futures, you must have a "margin" available which is a percentage of the value of the future contracts. They do not have that much money available. Winthorpe and Valentine are fine, because they can point to their guaranteed-to-be-profitable futures and get a loan for the margin.https://ift.tt/2FXRGA4 via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3l06A7L
Where Eagles Dare is such a damn good movie.

This movie keeps me in suspense throughout the first half, wondering what the hell the game is, and then they enter the cellar, and it takes off into the stratosphere. The next forty minutes are stunning, edge on your seat fun. Is a movie from '68 dated as hell? Of course! But the pace, the spy game that doesn't resolve until the end, and the fascinating Burton Eastwood team up is fascinating.God I love this movie via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2EIKM0S
The Little Hours (2017) One of the funniest and strangest films I have seen. [Alison Brie, Dave Franco, Kate Micucci, Aubrey Plaza, John C. Reilly, Molly Shannon, Fred Armisen, and Nick Offerman]

So the movie is primarily a comedy, and it has everyone in it: Alison Brie, Dave Franco, Kate Micucci, Aubrey Plaza, John C. Reilly, Molly Shannon, Fred Armisen, and Nick Offerman. The story takes place in a nunnery in the 1300's and the film completely commits to it's setting. So it is great seeing the in period castles and buildings and old bridges. In addition the audio recorded in these authentic buildings sounds amazing, the wonderful echo of stone walls and small rooms. The story centers around about 7 characters, and the story is very well done with constant motion and not really dragging or slowing down.It is also incredibly funny, it had me rolling with laughter, especially Aubrey Plaza playing an evil villian, she is incredible as a bad guy. The humor is very normal modern improv dumbness. But the movie also had a depth and intelligence beyond the humor that you don't normally see in comedies, or even most movies. I won't list out what I thought was clever just to avoid spoilers, but I think the movie draws heavily from authentic old stories to give it smart twists. In addition there is authentic emotion that is well executed, which is another element most comedies don't have.But really you have to watch it for the laughs, and to be WTF'ed by the structure. It is incredibly unique. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/3i82CrC