What are some of the worst widespread "alternative" movie theories?

For example, I'll use Karate Kid. I know many people are joking, but it irritates me when they say that Daniel was actually the villain because it literally ignores all the messed up things that Johnny and his friends do to Daniel. However, I'll focus on the more blatant theory that is objectively false rather than open...
(Spoiler) In a recent podcast with Steve-O, Shaquille O’Neal reveals to Steve that he wants to be in Jackass 4, boxing Johnny Knoxville, as an ode to the Knoxville & Butterbean match. Steve-O said no problem he can make that happen. PS: Jackass 4 is being pushed back to July ‘21 due to the pandemic.

In a recent podcast with Steve-O, Shaquille O’Neal reveals to Steve that he wants to be in Jackass 4, boxing Johnny Knoxville, as an ode to the Knoxville & Butterbean match. Steve-O said no problem he can make that happen. PS: Jackass 4 is being pushed back to July ‘21 due to the pandemic. this is the podcast clip...
Last Night, I watched Sunset Boulevard from 1950 for the 6th or 7th time......or more.

And OMG, it only gets better with age. I'm an old guy, saw it first in about 1966 and my mother, who loved movies took me to a downtown movie house, about a 14 mile drive. The next time I saw it was probably 10-12 years later, I was married and rentals VHS tapes were available.3 great actors are this who are Gloria Swanson,...
Last night, I saw David Lynch’s Blue Velvet for the first time and I am still speechless.

What a stunning film! I have seen some of Lynch’s previous work but NOTHING prepared me for this film. It’s truly extraordinary. I watched it last night and it’s still following me and just refuses to leave my head.After watching True Romance and Apocalypse Now, I never thought in a million years that Dennis Hopper could...
Directors Criticisms and Praise About Other Directors

Francois Truffaut on Michelangelo Antonioni:“Antonioni is the only important director I have nothing good to say about. He bores me; he’s so solemn and humorless.”Ingmar Bergman on Michelangelo Antonioni:“Fellini, Kurosawa, and Bunuel move in the same field as Tarkovsky. Antonioni was on his way, but expired, suffocated...
What is the Best Film You Watched Last Week? (05/24/20-05/31/20)

The way this works is that you post a review of the best film you watched this week. It can be any new or old release that you want to talk about.Here are some rules:1. Check to see if your favorite film of last week has been posted already.2. Please post your favorite film of last week.3. Explain why you enjoyed your...
Have you guys seen ROBIN HOOD (2018)? It's the most fascinating look into bad filmmaking you'll ever see.

The production design. According to IMDB it's supposed to look like those shanty towns in South America, but the town is sprawling and kinda well done.There are random flame spurts going on everywhere in "the mines". They never tell you what the fuck the mines are and what they're mining. This looks to be around the 1700s,...
Finally got around to watching Groundhog Day!
Jon Bernthal is the king of random cameos. Aka we need a semi recognizable face to take part in only one but very important to the plot scene in the movie.

Seriously in the last few years Jon Bernthal just shows up for one random but pivotal scene in many well received movies. He’s the go to guy for studios in this role.Here’s a the list but I maybe missing morePeanut Butter FalconSicarioWind RiverBaby DriverWidowsMe and Earl and Yhe dying girl via /r/movies https://ift...
Rat Race (2001) could easily be the best comedy film ever!

Just watched that childhood classic again, what can I say? A true masterpiece. Can't believe it's not on any list anywhere. It's so simple yet so unpredictable and keeps you on the edge of your seat all the way through! In every movie there is usually 1 or 2 scenes that stand out as the representative highlight, but in...
Underwater (2020) is fantastic sci-fi/horror

I watched Underwater last night, as horror/sci-fi is my absolute favorite blend. I was bracing for it to be so-so as the reviews were tepid, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well made and genuinely exciting the movie ended up being. Cool tech, unique setting, and great performances. Plus, no spoilers, but the movie...
I think Robert Pattinson is just fucking with everyone

Haven't kept up with Pattinson until I saw Good Time and The Lighthouse. I'm definitely sold on his work now. But I have to say, after seeing him in a few interviews, he seems like he's totally screwing with everyone.I was watching this actor roundtable with a bunch of amazing actors, and at this time stamp, Rob goes...