What was the best movie you saw in 2020?

With 366 days in this year, id say i watched at least 200 movies i havent seen before. Obviously some were awesome, and some were immediately forgettable. There might have been a total of 5 that I was truly disappointed I spent the time to watch.I'm interested to know what the best/your favorite movie you watched this...
What was the last movie you watched in 2020?

For me, it was Contagion, as I thought it would be a pretty perfect movie to sum up the year. Honestly, I vastly preferred Soderbergh’s previous hyperlink film, Traffic. Contagion was still enjoyable, and it was quite interesting to look at the things it predicted correctly and incorrectly. I finished it about half an...
Alfred Hitchcock's very first film, The Pleasure Garden (1925), will enter the public domain in the United States tomorrow.

This is the first Hitchcock film to enter the public domain. Note that because Hitchcock died in 1980, it's still copyrighted in the UK and other jurisdictions that use Life+70 like the European Union. But because pre-1978 works are copyrighted for 95 years in the USA, it's free to use here on New Years' Day.Practically,...
I watched a movie every day of 2020. Here's my list:

This year I set out on a goal to watch 366 movies. I ended up watching 368. I intended on watching mostly new ones but because of covid that became a little harder to do. Listed below is movies I saw this year. Movies watched- January- 35 movies 63 hr 55 minRocky 119 minutesRocky 2 119 minutesRocky 3 100 minsRocky 4 90...
I watched over 150 movies directed by women in 2020. Hear me out...

To everyone who loves movies, there is almost no single person more important than one named Alice Guy-Blaché. She was one of the first people ever to direct pictures. One of the first, possibly the first human being to see film’s potential as a narrative fiction medium, rather than just a documentary one.In all the...
In the movie Die Hard, when Ellis is talking to Hans....

One of the other terrorists brings him a Coke. We know from an earlier scene that Ellis uses cocaine. I’ve always thought that this was a lost in translation moment. They asked Ellis if he’d like anything and he said “Yeah sure, got any Coke?”. And they, being from a foreign country, perhaps didn’t know street slang for...
In Bruges (2008) is a masterpiece

I will try to discuss this with minimal spoilers, but I do suggest you watch the film before reading about its various interpretations.I recently rewatched In Bruges, and it's one of those films that offer so much more when you're older and have gained more perspective. I know the film gets a lot of praise, but I regard...
Movies with similar visuals to Blade Runner 2049?

So I just finished rewatching blade runner 2049 last night and was blown away by how beautiful the shots were in pretty much every frame. I loved the colours, everything was great.Can anyone recommend any other films similar to that? Not necessarily of the same setting or genre at all. My itch needs to be scratched especially...
IMO Mulan's live adaptation undermines its own message.

I just watched the live adaptation of Mulan by Disney despite being warned by multiple friends about the quality of the movie or its lack thereof. I do not want to discuss the obvious issues with CGI, acting, pace, plot and many other things that make this movie a disaster in my opinion. However, I do want to rant a bit...
What's a terrible movie that has a scene you love in it?

I've watched so many god awful movies over the years that have at least one shining moment that made it worth trudging through and made the movie memorable for me. What's a movie that's just awful, but you remember because one scene was just so much better than the rest of the film? Something where you'll stop and watch...
In need of a good cry. What's the best sad/touching movie you've watched that made you cry?

I just need some catharsis in tears! I cry easily when it comes to movies so it won't be too hard to find that, but I do want a good cry. Like, not a "god this is so distressing and depressing" cry where there is no good ending, but maybe a sad or touching cry where there is still a nice ending.For example: yes to emotional...
Overlooked Movies: Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)

Released in 1999 by director Michael Patrick Jann, this mockumentary follows the contestants of a teen beauty pageant in the small town of Mount Rose, Minnesota. Chaos and shenanigans ensue as the contestants prepare for the big competition.Drop Dead Gorgeous is a fantastic little comedy that's unfortunately not available...
What about the 4-hour extended cut of Cloud Atlas?

Eight years after its original release, Cloud Atlas has its own base of lovers and haters. While I can understand both of those views, I'm firmly in the latter camp. Today, I learned that there's a 3h45m extended cut of it somewhere, which hasn't been seen by anyone until this day.There was a lot of talk about this a...
What Are Your Favorite Movies That Take Place During Winter That Aren't Necessarily Christmas Movies?

During December I usually just watch Christmas Specials. But I have a few movies that have a wintery backdrop that aren't related to the holidays.The Hateful 8 (2015)A Simple Plan (1998)Let Me In (2010)The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)Scott Pilgrim Vs The World (2010)Fargo (1996)What are some of yours? via /r/movies ht...
In what Christmas movies does Santa end up in jail?

I was showing my kids Miracle on 34th St this weekend and one of the kids asked: "Why does Santa end up in jail in every Christmas Movie?"And I got to thinking about it.I've got:The Santa ClauseMiracle on 34th StThe Christmas ChroniclesGet SantaThe Santa TrapErnest Saves ChristmasI think for the purposes of this, an asylum...
Michael B. Jordan Confirmed To Be Directing "Creed 3" & Will Begin Filming In Late 2021
Has a movie ever genuinely changed your life?

I know some people will probably downvote me just for mentioning this film, but I'm genuinely curious as to if anyone else has watched a movie that has lead to major changes in their life?In 2016 I saw the new Ghostbusters at the cinema, and loved it. I know I know, it's a movie people love to hate, but as a lesbian there...