Tall Girl is "First World Problems: The Movie"

I decided to watch this because I was bored and saw the trailer, and was stunned by how awful it looked.The protagonist is Jodi, she's 6'1, white, smart, attractive, and upper middle class, whose main story conflict is trying to find a boyfriend that makes up 8% or less of the male population. She quite literally is the personification of first world problems. Yet the movie tries to portray her as the underdog, it tries to tells the audience a girl like her would be bullied in highschool.The intro of the movie has her saying “I’m a high school girl wearing size 13 Nike, beat that.” and the next scene cuts right to the introduction of her black female friend, Fareeda. This actually had me thinking if the movie knows the main character is a self centered asshole and is making fun of her but no, the movie actually wants you to feel bad for Jodi.Her second friend, Jack, actually shows us how she is kind of a hypocrite. He is 5'7 and likes her but is shot down because she thinks he is too short.I feel incredibly bad for her friends, they spend the movie trying to tell her that her height isn't a problem but only get self pity speeches from her. She even gets angry at them for trying to help, she doesn't deserve them.For some reason there is no one else in the school taller than 6'0 until some foreign student arrives. You're telling me there is no boys in the school's basketball team taller than 6'0? And if we accept this then it means she prefers to cry about how tall she is to anyone that will listen and how she can't find a boyfriend but won't date anyone shorter than her?A tall, blonde, handsome and swedish student arrives in the school and of course every girl wants him, including Jodi who is willing to destroy his relationship with another girl and her friendships just to get him.The most baffling scene in the movies comes when she is in the bathroom felling sorry for herself after being prank called, Fareeda comes to cheer her up. Jodi seriously tries to tell a black woman how she doesn't understand what it feels like to be attacked, and the movie doesn't show it as Jodi being self centered! It wants you to feel sorry for her even though it's ridiculous.One of the next scenes is in Jodi's house, her parents brought a bunch of tall people over to cheer her up because being tall somehow sucks. She is an incredible asshole to her parents that are just trying to help her even though the movie's setup is incredibly stupid.Of course Jodi eventualy gets the Swedish guy to cheat on his girlfriend with her. She goes to Jack's house because the Swedish guy is staying there and the scene where Jack learns from him that they kissed is actually really sad, he starts to cry and tries to hide it from the other guy while realising he needs to move on from Jodi and be the short king he is. But he forgets all that later.The next day Jacks sits with the Swedish guy and some other girls, he actually gets the attention of a really nice girl here that he eventually dumps because Jodi had to have a happy ending even though she is a shitty friend.The next two scenes is Jodi treating her friends like shit, first by mocking Jack for sitting at another table and then by not listening to Fareeda and not taking the truth about her victim's complex very well when her friend spells it out for her.Jack then dumps his new girlfriend because he for some reason can't let Jodi go and actually gets beaten up at a party trying to defend her "honor" when the Swedish guy makes fun of Jodi to his girlfriend who is suspicious of them.The movie ends with a super self centered speech in which Jodi cries for an audience about how being tall sucks and then finishing revealing that the swedish guy cheated on his girlfriend, fucking that relationship up. Then she goes home and Jack is waiting there for her happy ending where she finally accepts that maybe shooting someone down because of his height when she spends the movie crying about her height is a tad hypocritical.Jack also carries a box for the entire movie because he somehow knows one day she will want to kiss him so he needs the box so he can reacher her. I wasted time of my life watching this. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2og9mxq

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