After today I think I'm done going to the theater.

Went to an early showing of Joker today and it may be the worst time I've ever had at the movies. I typically try to see new movies at the earliest possible morning show to avoid crowds and disruptive viewers but today was just WOW!Got to my seat about 15 minutes before the movie started, so far so good only a few other people in the theater. Then as it got closer to showtime more people started packing in, this included several teens who were clearly not old enough to see the movie and a few families with children younger than 10.The movie starts and all is good for about 5 minutes, some of the kids start making jokes about what's happening on screen and then a few other kids just start having a full blown conversation.At one point a phone rang and the woman answered it and was on for about 3 minutes before someone shushed her. Also a baby started crying in the back.Finally towards the climax of the film a kid started running up and down the theater and he was allowed to do this until the movie ended. I had such a bad experience I think I'm just going to wait for movies to hit Amazon or Itunes in the future. IT's just not worth it anymore.TLDR: I hate movie theaters via /r/movies

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