Are there any stories that Robert DeNiro, Edward Norton, or Frank Oz told about Marlon Brando walking around the set of The Score naked?

Cause he's like in a full suit and smoking slippers and apparently the trivia section on Amazon prime said he would just get naked and walk around cause it was hot and quite frankly that's just bizarre as fuck, but also a true king move. But I feel like that would have been such a big story that Edward Norton, Robert DeNiro or Frank Oz would have never shut up about seeing BIG Marlon Brando naked so much.I get being an actor and being private about your life, but there's also a naked large man sweating around the set and when they gotta get another take you gotta wait for him to get dressed again. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2oQ7mfJ
The X-Men Saga makes an almost-perfect and coherent timeline if we just skip the bad movies.

X Men, X Men 2, X Men: First Class, X Men: Days of The Future Past and LoganThese are the highest rated movies of the saga and also the only ones that (almost) don´t contradict each other and form a timeline that makes sense:X MenX Men 2: end of the ´´Present´´ timeline, Jean Gray stays dead, the war between humans and mutants is inminent.X Men First Class: prequel to X- Men.X Men Days of the Future Past: direct sequel to X- Men 2, the war between humans and mutants happends, Cyclops is not in this movie because he was killed by sentinels (offscreen) and Jean never returned from his death (remember, The Last Stand never happend). At the end, everyone in the future has a happy ending, and in the past, everything comes to a fullcircle.Logan: first and only Wolverine spin off, the events of this movie take place after the Days of the future past epiloge, Charles Xavier dies for the first and only time (which makes his death more emotional) and the X-Men and mutans are doomed. A sad ending overall. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2o1iUfq
Recommended Watch: Kathryn Bigelow's "Strange Days" (1995) - One of the best cyberpunk flicks I've seen starring Ralph Fiennes and tons of other great actors. It still holds up nicely, consider giving it a watch

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RoOs-S_JVI&feature=youtu.be via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2oDa2wV
Box Office Week: Abominable takes #1 with a solid $20.8M debut. Judy opens to $3M in just 460 theaters. Downton Abbey passes $100M worldwide.

RankTitleDomestic Gross (Weekend)Worldwide Gross (Cume)Week #Percentage ChangeBudget1Abominable$20,850,000$31,050,0001N/A$75M2Downton Abbey$14,500,000$107,109,8502-53.3%$20M3Hustlers$11,470,000$95,434,7113-31.8%$20M4It: Chapter Two$10,400,000$417,411,0494-38.8%$75M5Ad Astra$10,143,000$89,025,6002-46.6%$90MFilms Reddit Wants to FollowThis is a segment where we keep a weekly tally of currently showing films that aren't in the Top 5 that fellow redditors want updates on. If you'd like me to add a film to this chart, make a comment in this thread.TitleDomestic Gross (Weekly)Domestic Gross (Cume)Worldwide Gross (Cume)BudgetWeek #Aladdin$166,911$355,386,853$1,048,928,695$183M19Toy Story 4$367,821$433,045,800$1,062,160,608$200M15Spider-man: Far From Home$486,945$389,862,963$1,130,548,094$160M13The Lion King (2019)$3,402,358$540,025,662$1,638,725,662$260M11Once Upon a Time in Hollywood$971,720$138,485,150$356,885,150$90M10Notable Film ClosingsN/AAs always r/boxoffice is a great place to share links and other conversations about box office news.Also you can see the archive of all Box Office Week posts at r/moviesboxoffice (which have recently been updated). via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2nWHezq
I'll never forgive IMDb for removing their film/actor specific message boards

They used to be my go to place for discussion about a film I had just seen, theories about said film, actors' performances etc. and the quality of the discussion was generally quite high...I think I remember it being a response to pressure from studios not enjoying that level of interaction (especially if it was negative).Such a pity.Reddit's system is just not a good replacement =( via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2nOvQ8I
Please don’t rate a film you haven’t yet seen on IMDB

I was checking out the reviews for the new Joker film (2019) which has yet to be released. There were so many ‘hyped to see it’ and ‘I’m giving it 1 star to counteract until I see it’ reviews. IMDB Has been historically fairly reliable to review ratings (6.4+ usually worth seeing) before watching something minus a couple genres. TV and horror films ratings are rarely reliable but rating a movie you haven’t seen really messes up the accuracy and reliability of the rating system.TLDR; be ethical. Don’t rate something you haven’t experienced, anywhere really. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2nCKTlN
What are some cool casting coincidences you know of?

For example, In Gangs of New York, Daniel Day Lewis's plays Bill the Butcher, who hates Lincoln, and in one scene throws a knife at his poster. 10 years later he would end up playing President Lincoln.Or how Peter Capaldi played a W.H.O. doctor in World War Z, and then ended up being the Doctor in Doctor Who.Anybody know of any similar coincidences like that? Doesn't have to be just casting, just in general something that made you go "holy shit what are the chances." via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2omLOqO
What respected actor and/or filmmaker has a surprisingly crappy filmography?

Billy Bob ThorntonI had always respected the guy for overcoming early typecasting. Seriously, dude went "full retard" in his first two prominent roles then transformed himself into a total alpha badass in films like Bad Santa and School for Scoundrels and the TV version of Fargo. I also thought he was a misunderstood genius and hated Mirimax for chopping up his version of All the Pretty Horses.But man, oh man . . . his third directorial effort Jayne Mansfield's Car only made 11k at the box office. I honestly thought it was a Hallmark Movie of the Week until I saw the cast list. London Fields had one of the worst wide release openings ever and a 0% on the tomato meter and somehow Thornton thought it would be a good idea to play in the big screen adaption of that book Oprah royally trashed--A Million Little Pieces. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2nEv4uG
What is the Best Film You Watched Last Week? (09/22/19 - 09/29/19)

The way this works is that you post a review of the best film you watched this week. It can be any new or old release that you want to talk about. Here are some rules:1. Check to see if your favourite film of last week has been posted already.2. Please post your favourite film of last week.3. Explain why you enjoyed your film.4. ALWAYS use spoiler tags.5. Best Submissions can display their Letterboxd accounts the following week. ———————————————————Last Week’s Best Submissions:FilmUsername[Lbxd/Blog*]“Her”matu1234567[matu12]“HP & the Deathly Hollows, pt.1”Bobby_Marks2———“Mad Detective”mafternoonshyamalan———“Adaptation”CringeBinger———“Blair Witch Project”WalkingEars———“Brazil”Balzaak[sethetaylor.com*]“Scarface”RadicalTzar———“Female Prisoner#701: Scorpion”HobbieK——— via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2m4xG4B
TRADING PLACES (1983) - I'm glad I've found this step by step explanation online, had to read it three times but I'm glad I finally understand what the hell is going on here.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoUnvVRYzzAThe scheme "buy low, sell high" is easy enough to understand, but what is not explained is what is being bought and sold: it is not orange juice itself, but so called "futures" in orange juice.In the commodity trade, "future contracts" is an agreement to buy or sell a commodity at a fixed price, at a certain date in the future, no matter what the market price is on that day. For example: if you have a contract to buy, and the market price has risen above the value of that future, you can purchase the commodity for the cheaper price set in the contract, and then sell it again at the higher market price. This is an instant profit, and this is what the Dukes are hoping for.The Dukes instruct their trader to secure futures to buy orange juice. They think this is a sure bet, because they have a report that says the orange crop will be bad. With a bad orange crop the market price of orange juice will go up. So later they can buy juice at the cheap price set in the futures contract, and immediately sell at the higher market price. Everyone else sees the Dukes do this, and joins in. when everyone is buying and few are selling, the price of futures go up. So now plenty of people have obliged themselves to buy orange juice at a high price, later on.Winthorpe's shout - that sets off the frenzy - is "SELL 200 April at 1.42". This means: "Let us agree that I will sell orange juice to you in April, for 1.42 a piece". The reason everyone is so excited is that they think in April, the price will be much higher than 1.42. This sudden change - with someone selling instead of buying - causes the price to start dropping. The buyers are still happy, because they expect the prices to be high in April.Then comes the reveal: the orange crop is fine, hence the orange juice prices will NOT be high in the upcoming year. With that the price of orange juice will be low in April.Now everyone that has obliged themselves to buy from others risk being stuck with orange juice they have paid a lot for. And since orange juice spoils, they MUST find someone that promises to buy it, or the loss is complete. The frenzy to sell causes the price to plummet even faster. Winthorpe and Valentine only need to wait a bit, and then they reverse course, now promising to buy orange juice from others, at a lower price. This is the orange juice they will sell to others in April, which they obliged themselves to do earlier.In the end, Winthorpe and Valentine are left with contracts that obliges them to buy orange juice at a low price. But they also have the obligation of others to buy orange juice from them at a high price, giving them a very good profit on each of their contracts.The Dukes of course are left with the opposite - because they bought high, and were then forced to sell low - which bankrupts them. The reason this happens immediately is because they are getting a "margin call" at the end of the day's trading. When you are trading in futures, you must have a "margin" available which is a percentage of the value of the future contracts. They do not have that much money available. Winthorpe and Valentine are fine, because they can point to their guaranteed-to-be-profitable futures and get a loan for the margin.https://ift.tt/2mC1ZQF via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2lYJ7L4
Damn, Olivia Wilde is actually a really talented director

Just watched Booksmart, I gotta say, it was a very well directed movie, I would have never guessed it was her first time directing a feature length movie.The writing for Booksmart isn't the greatest - tons of teen movie tropes, lots of formulaic melodrama, a few scenes here and there where the dialogue isn't the best.With that said, none of that really bothered me, this movie was just too much fun and too hilarious for me to give a shit about stuff like that.What really impressed me was the directing. There were some really great shots in this movie, the best was the scene where Beanie Feldstein is freaking out when she realizes all the popular kids are also going to Ivy league schools, and then it cuts to the shot of the guy skateboarding in the hallway and then to everyone getting hyped up in the hallway. Obviously can't explain it in words, but it was just really great directing and editing in that particular scene, as well as several others.Also the soundtrack absolutely slaps, and syncs up perfectly with the movie.I'm not saying Booksmart is some all time great movie or anything like that, but it's extremely funny and a really great display of Olivia Wilde's talent as a director. I can't wait to see more movies from her.But yeah, between Jordan Peele, Olivia Wilde, and Boots Riley, I think we're going to get some awesome movies in the 2020s, there are some new sheriffs in town via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2nAKhwP
What is Martin Scorsese's best decade?

POLL: What is Martin Scorsese's best decade?An offshoot from 'The Irishman' Review ThreadA comment there states:This has to be Scorsese best decadeSo let's discuss....-- 1970s --1972 Boxcar Bertha1973 Mean Streets1974 Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore1976 Taxi Driver1977 New York, New York-- 1980s --1980 Raging Bull1982 The King of Comedy1985 After Hours1986 The Color of Money1988 The Last Temptation of Christ-- 1990s --1990 Goodfellas1991 Cape Fear1993 The Age of Innocence1995 Casino1997 Kundun1999 Bringing Out the Dead-- 2000s --2002 Gangs of New York2004 The Aviator2006 The Departed-- 2010s --2010 Shutter Island2011 Hugo2013 The Wolf of Wall Street2016 Silence2019 The Irishman via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2nyqOgf
Great performances that got overshadowed.

What are some great performances that get overshadowed by another actor’s iconic performance?I was rewatching The Dark Knight, and I think Aaron Eckhart gives a really great performance. He has to go through so many emotions and his character changes dramatically throughout the movie, and he pulls it off. From charismatic politician to unhinged vigilante to psychopath. However, his performance gets overshadowed by Heath giving an iconic performance.Another example would be Geoffrey Rush in Pirates of the Caribbean. Everyone thinks Johnny when they talk about this movie, but I think Rush is the quintessential pirate. He’s the only thing that kept me from walking out of the newest one. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2nsTPdm
The Road to El Dorado is golden!

Rewatching this underrated gem right now (It’s on hulu for those in the US). Personally, I think the 3 most underrated animated films are this, The Iron Giant, and Treasure Planet. I see people list a few like Atlantis and whatnot but the 3 I listed all lost money. I made the mistake of searching for this post on reddit, but found mostly NSFW content. It has great 2D animation that is sorely missed these days, amazing music, and funny adult jokes/themes. I highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2nuGily
Character Actress Linda Porter dies at age 86.

Character actors and actresses are the overlooked heroes of movies and TV. This little old lady has probably been in a few shows or movies you watched: Twins, Murder She Wrote, Frasier, Roseanne, Mad About You, Wings, ER, X-Files, Dharma and Greg, Dude Wheres My Car, Malcolm in the Middle, Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, King of Queens, CSI NY, How I MEt Your Mother, American Horror Story, Bunheads, 2 Broke Girls, Pee-wees Big Holiday, Twin Peaks Return, Superstore, ............ via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2mwwcAy
What is your favourite film that you know has a million flaws?

Not necessarily so bad it’s good, or guilty pleasure. But something you could make an honest argument for being a good film, while acknowledging awful aspects. For myself it’s Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. Everything about it I should hate. Yet I just love the film. I love Rickman, the score. I don’t know. What’s yours, and what’s your explanation? I’d like to get a new perspective on something maybe I don’t like. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2mt3SPw
What's your most favourite love story that you've see in films?

Romantics are something we all like. Whatever way you explain it, it's something we crave. Something we like to read about and see. So, as movie fan, i thought i would ask you what's your favourite love story from films. Maybe also say why it is so.My personal favourite is the story of jessie and seline from linklater's before trilogy. I have found two people just communicating and connecting really appealing. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2lTp0xU
Let's talk Rambo: First Blood

I watched Rambo again for another time since i was younger. As a kid you see the guns, shooting, and explosions. This time it meant something to me a lot. During the end where Rambo breaks down and cries, it made me cry so much. I cried because i know someone like that, the same exact things he said about "handling million dollar equipment, but here i can't even hold a job parking cars".I think we face the same issue, especially with the veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. These men and women go through a lot. I won't be surprised if there is a potential, real life Rambo lurking out there as i type this. It makes me sad to say the least, i love Rambo but i see it very different from when i saw it in my younger years. Actually hit home with me and I'm not even a veteran. Very disturbing/sad ending. via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2nXAMrF