The Princess Bride is one of my favourite movies. I must have watched it a hundred times as a kid. I just streamed it and everything I know is a LIE.

So there I am happily streaming The Princess Bride and reliving my childhood.When - wait what? I’m suddenly seeing scenes I’ve never seen.Then I spit my popcorn out (metaphorically) as I see a scene in which Prince Humperdinck admits to having paid Vissini etc to kidnap Buttercup himself, so he can start a war, and is going to murder her after the wedding! WTFSo my childhood copy was taped off the TV and turns out whatever f#@ker prepped it for TV thought it would be fine to cut out a load of scenes including a pivotal one which changes the entire plot :/tl;dr: don’t trust movies you taped off the TV as a kid via /r/movies

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