The Predator is one of the most bizarre and awkward movie experiences I've had (Spoilers)

I've seen this movie about 3 months ago , and it still is stuck in my head for how terribly awkward it was as an experience to watch it.Never before have I felt questioning myself if what I was seeing was a real movie, this sequel made such bad choices and retcons it was crazy. The most baffling one was that Predators rip spine cords out of humans to "upgrade" themselves, and if that is not enough, global warming plays a role into this as well, even though none of it makes sense because it's been implied since the first movie that Predators ARE superior to humans in strength and so on, it also doesnt make sense for global warming to play a role into this because if the point is for the spinal cord fluid to make them adapt to this earth like humans, wouldnt they die from global warming anyway?Then we cut to other things in the movie such as the comedy, I know Shane Black directed this but good lord does the humor never land at all. It was really cringy to hear characters spout jokes that arent funny at all, and using tourettes from Thomas Jane's character for comic relief made me wince. There is also a running gag about how the name "Predator" is technically wrong which was neat at first but then it gets old quick. Along with all this there are parts that are supposed to be of darker humor, such as the big Predator piercing someone through the crotch, one of the bad guys shooting his henchmen after they lose a hand, and so on. The aspergers kid accidentally fires off a Predator shoulder gun and blows up some guy and his house, and doesnt even react to it, even though in one of the first scenes of the film he puts his hands on his ears after hearing the school alarm (this isnt even going into how this kid just magically reads alien language on the fly). There is also one part where a Predator is in a truck and kills a bunch of people, then the driver asks "are you ok?", to which the predator lifts a cut off arm and does a "thumbs up" with it, so out of character for a predator.Other bizarre choices for the screenplay were how one of the predator dogs get shot in the head by a pressure gun and then said dog just joins the good guys from there, and then he happens to vomit important tools to the characters in ways that help them get out of bad situations. The big Predator looks at a map drawn by the aspergers kid and basically he learns that is where he should go to, just how though? Goes without saying that the big Predator wanting to bring autism to his people was just off the charts in how ridiculous it was.Then if all this isnt bad enough, we get to the end where they get a gift from the first predator in this film and what it is is basically an Iron Man suit that looks like a Predator, I wish I was kidding.This film has stuck with me for quite a while but for all the bad reasons, how did Shane Black even think any of this was ok? It was directed poorly and it was awkward to watch on every level, comedy just shouldnt be a thing in a Predator movie either since it breaks the tension very often. via /r/movies

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