Disney lost the Best Animated Film for the first time since 2006

After Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse won Best Animated Film last night, it got me thinking about how it seemed like finally an animated film not made by Disney or Pixar won that category. So I went and looked it up and sure enough, Disney/Pixar has won the Oscar in this category every single year they had a movie up for nomination, since 2006 (in 2011, they didn’t have a movie up for nomination AND YES, as everyone keeps asking in the comment section: Rango won this year. Disney did not have a movie nominated, and Rango won). In 2006, they lost the Oscar to Happy Feet (the Disney movie up for nomination was Cars).As much of a Disney movie lover as I am, I’m so glad that the Academy didn’t just blindly hand over the award to Disney again, but actually chose the best of the bunch. And I’m so glad it’s Into The Spider-Verse. This movie deserves it.Edit: to all those confused about Marvel’s role in this movie, u/Viceprezbacon has a great comment below summarizing the relationships: “To all confused about Disney and Spiderman. Sony owns the rights to spiderman. The Marvel attributed with being involved with this movie is the comic book company. Disney was in no way involved with this movie. They own Marvel Studios, who produce the live action movies and have no affiliation with Sony in this regard (outside the spiderman deal).” via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2GYISrs

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