What was the best film you watched this week? (12/11/2018 - 18/11/2018)

The way this works is that you post a review of the best film you watched this week. It doesn't have to be a new release, just any film you have seen over the last seven days that you feel is worth talking about. Here are some rules.1. Check to see if your favourite film of last week has been posted already.2. Please post your favourite film of last week.3. NO TV SHOWS!4. ALWAYS use spoiler tags. Report any comments that spoil recent / little-known films (e.g. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Widows) without using the spoiler tag.5. Comments that only contain the title of the film will be removed!Here are some great comments from last week's thread:Early in the week, I saw mother! Was on Hulu. Curious with all the different opinions I have heard and I like to consider myself a fan of Darren Aronofsky, I decided to give it a watch. And now while I don't know if I can watch it again, I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. It definitely was a movie. If you have a basic understanding of the Bible, you have an idea of the movie. Jennifer Lawrence was genuinely great here. Great cast with Javier Bardem, Michelle Pfeiffer, Ed Harris, Domhnall Gleeson and a weird unexpected cameo from Kristen Wiig, the cast did a real good job. Particularly Lawrence, Bardem, and Pfeiffer. Now the third act. I will not spoil it. But bat shit insane is what I will say. Not my favorite Darren Aronofsky movie, but I still dug it at the end of the day. Thought it got a lil preachy at points, but it wasn't enough to make me dislike the movie. Real solid imo. I'd give mother! a 4/5. Jennifer Lawrence carries this movie and she is genuinely fantastic. Even if you don't dig the movie, check it out just for her performance. Even though I enjoyed it, I don't know if I can rewatch it, but even though it might be a hard movie to recommend, it gets my seal of approval at the end if the day. Check it out. But know what you are getting into.The Front Runner - Saw it at Denver Film Festival (with a Q&A with Jason Reitman, the screenwriters and Reitman’s long-time editor following the film). I have a lot of feelings on this. It was incredibly well-directed, some of Reitman’s best work as a director for sure. It is absolutely captivating to watch. Very strong performances from Hugh Jackman, Vera Farmiga and JK Simmons, among others. I guess my mixed feelings have less to do with how good the movie is and more to do with the timing of the movie in our current political atmosphere. I don’t want to go into too much detail and spoil the movie for anyone, but the film’s central conceit of how we treat political candidates like celebrities rather than lawmakers and elected representatives, turning them into tabloid fodder with nothing off limits, is very affecting considering we actually did elect an unqualified celebrity to our highest office. HOWEVER, on the flip side, following the Kavanaugh debacle, hearing some of his sentiments echoed by Hugh Jackman’s character, it just left a bad taste in my mouth. The timing is really unfortunate for this movie, as it started playing at festivals before the first allegations against Kavanaugh came out. I will end up watching it again, because despite how uncomfortable it was to watch parts of this movie, it really was fascinating to watch. In every scene, there is so much going on and I’m sure I missed things. Really well-done film overall that’s definitely going to be a bit crippled by real life events.Saw They Shall Not Grow Old on remembrance day. Was very moving and quite a unique documentary in the sense it wasn't concerned with specific events of the war, but rather trying to bring a sense of humanity to it and to show what going through the war as a soldier on the Western front would have felt like. In some ways this is to its detriment, as it makes the film feel a little slow in that it doesn't have an overarching story line or something driving the narrative, but it was still engaging nonetheless. Technically, it was phenomenal. The footage looks amazing and it's a great contribution to cinema and history in general for this reason alone. The transition to the restored footage blew my mind, even though you knew it was coming. It really helps in its goal of trying to show the human side of what was an awful war. Highly recommend it to those interested in this part of history, and recommend it generally.For further expansion of the rules, please read this link.Have fun and play nice! via /r/movies https://ift.tt/2DL9pYI

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