So... I saw the new Robin Hood last night.

Saw this last night. It is fucking atrocious from start to finish. A bizzare revisionist history flick that attacks the church and tries to use the setting for parallels to Donald Trump, George W Bush's relationship with Saudi Arabia, the travel ban, The war in Iraq and Rodney King riots. They even have medievel molotov cocktails. I tend to lean towards the left socially but this was just distracting.They attempt to make this a superhero origin story with quips, training montages and more, but a special effects budget on par with a CW show. Only the in camera action sequences look anything close to decent.Also at one point, Robin wears a goddann polo shirt and jeans and Maid Marian wears a leather jacket, dockers and a red modern coat... in the 15th century. Fucking ridiculous.Only bright spot is Ben Mendelsohn who is allowed to turn his performance up to 11, threatening to "extract the piss from Robin and then boil him alive in it while he watches him suffer."My dad, a Robin Hood purist, also saw it with me. He said it was like Baz Luhrmann made a superhero movie and lacking anything good about Baz Luhrmann.Feel free to ask any questions. via /r/movies

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