Can we please normalize regular subtitles alongside Closed Captions?

So I’m one of those people that likes to have subtitles on when watching movies or TV; it helps my dialogue comprehension tremendously, and I don’t like missing or mishearing words that are spoken.That said, I find much more often than not that the only English subtitle option is with CC; this means along with the dialogue...
After 6 years, Mad Max - Fury Road remains the last movie to blow me away at the theater.

A few years have passed, hundreds of movies have been released, and Fury Road remains the last one to make me feel like I was witnessing a masterpiece being presented to the world while watching it. No other movie since managed to be so creative, genuine and COOL.If you think about it, it's almost a miracle this movie...
Jurassic World Dominion is the only movie that makes me want to cry

As said above I don’t feel like crying because it’s a masterpiece or actually good. But instead I feel like crying because it’s so bad as today July 25 is my birthday and I wasted 2.5 hours I will never get back. I feel scammed and I’m just really sad right now so I thought I should try and stop you from making the same...