Black Swan (2010) is one of the most stressful movies ever made

It's after midnight on Halloween so here's my ten-year-old movie recommendation I guess... Natalie Portman turns in maybe a lifetime performance in Darron Arranofsky's dangerous mindfuck. What a flick, man. If you missed this film give it a watch, I can't recommend it highly enough.This was my Halloween drunk movie of...
In this crazy year, 1978's "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" is THE Halloween movie to watch.

1978's "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" is the perfect Halloween movie to encapsulate 2020. It's got conspiracy paranoia, mistrust of government and the police, social distancing, anti-establishment, outright anarchy, and overwhelming fear of a viral infection, which like Coronavirus, duplicates living cells.Want more?...
I do not feel the Child's Play franchise gets enough love for its puppetry, animatronics, and practical effects .

We are 7 movies into the franchise and the creators continue to stick to their guns using camera angles, kids or little people in costumes, puppets, and animatronics for Chucky the killer doll and each movie builds upon the last's technology to make Chucky more and more expressive.I am watching the 2nd movie right now...
Jake Gyllenhaal was absolutely amazing and terrifying in Nightcrawler.

Jake was simply a tour de force here. I mean what an effectively intriguing, yet imposing character. I had no idea what to expect going into it. I love how the scrapyard scene very quickly shows you that he is indeed the antagonist, right from the start (did he straight up murder that guy btw?).Every time he was onscreen,...
How the hell did Shape of Water only cost 20 million dollars?!

I love the movie, btw. Not here to debate it's Oscar wins or anything like that, but I think we can agree that, on an objective level, the production values are stunning. The sets, the costumes, the makeup, the cinematography, all top notch.And for only 20 mil. How?! I mean, I get there were a few prudent cost-saving...
Simple, feel good movies like Jon Favreau's 'Chef' where there is no unnecessary drama?

Just watched Chef and it was really great to watch feel-good movie from start to end. There is no unnecessary drama, or some big setbacks or backstabs, or some big fights that are trying to get resolved throughout the movie. It's simply a straightforward rollercoaster of mostly good emotions, good natured dialogue and...
Meet The Robinsons is a Top 3 Disney Movie

The amount of lessons this movie taught me and how I can watch the movie today and have those same lessons resonate with me speaks volumes to its emotional impact, even for a disney movie. Not only that, the movie itself holds up greatly, it's not by any means old but was made in a weird time in animation for a lot of...
Reminder and PSA: Physical media is still important

You do not own your digital films. You merely have a license to watch them. The company could go bankrupt, they could lose their license for the film, they could pull it off the service, and poof. It’s gone. Physical media is still incredibly important, especially if you care about actually owning your films. via /r/movies...
Martin Scorcese's Bringing out the Dead (1999) is an extremely good psychological drama which does not get the praise it deserves.

Scorcese has portrayed the life of an overworked paramedic without any heavy-handedness in this film. It is gritty and sometimes uncomfortable to watch but its definitely worth it. Scorcese managed to setup extremely appropriate atmosphere with the color palette and music by Elmer Bernstein.Nicolas Cage completely steals...
I’m Charlie Band and I’ve been making weird movies like Puppet Master for 40 years. AMA!

I am a producer, director, and bizarre film enthusiast who has forged a career spanning 40 years with more than 300 films to my credit in the genres of Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy. In fact, I’ve made more horror films than any other person in history! Currently, I am the president and founder of Full Moon Empire,...
Every October I feel it is my duty to remind people that the movie Chasing Sleep exists and it is guaranteed to be the best horror movie you’ve never heard of.

Jeff Daniels plays a pill-popping college professor that slowly loses his grasp on reality over the course of a few days while he deals with the disappearance of his wife.The film is nightmarish in a way that I’ve only ever been able to compare to stylistic and visual choices David Lynch would make. There are some EXTREMELY...
Raising Arizona (1987) is a must watch feel-good movie.

Very few comedy movies can make someone laugh and cry. Raising Arizona is one of those rare movies. You actually care and root for every character in this movie barring a few. It is tightly paced and I never got bored any second during its runtime. Kudos to writers/directors Coen brothers for that.The performances are...
Zac Efron Universe Timeline

This is edited to include suggestions from reddit users adding in movies that fit within the now multiverse timeline.Okay, bare with me on this 1 but my daughter has just discovered High School Musical and my girlfriend is a huge Zac Efron fan and I realised you can fit most of his films into a timeline that follows Troy...