Why do movies (and TV) sometimes have this weird dialogue pattern?

Here are some examples of this weird dialogue thing I’m talking about:Ex.1Person 1: “Do you miss it?”Person 2: “Huh?”Person 1: “The Ocean, California, do you miss it?”Ex.2Person 1: “It’s actually pretty cool.”Person 2: “What?”Person 1: “The fog, it’s kinda cool.”Ex.3Person 1: What happened?”Person 2: “What happened to...
What’s a small or seemingly insignificant detail in a movie that pisses you off to no end?

This is such a minute detail but in Freaky Friday (2003) the mom’s character (Jamie Lee Curtis trapped in Lindsay Lohan’s body) makes a comment about her daughter’s (Lindsay Lohan trapped in Jamie Lee Curtis’ body) new haircut, saying she looks like Stevie Nicks. However, later on, when the mom is supposed to go onstage...
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016)

I finally watched this tonight. It was hilarious! My brother-in-law and I are huge Lonely Island fans but we both had little kids when this movie came out and we haven’t had a “guys night” together until tonight. I saved this movie since it came out even though I have wanted to watch it so badly since it came out. People...
About Time, a movie not talked about often enough

At first it seems like a rom com with a slight time travel twist, and that is true but this film is so much more. It's a film as much about life and living it and the joys and highs and lows and it's all shown in an entertaining fashion.It's a film about people and choices and the consequences of those choices. Sometimes...
Just an FYI - Bo Burnham’s ‘Eighth Grade’ is available to stream for free through Kanopy.

If anyone doesn’t know about Kanopy, it’s a streaming service that you can sign up for using your local Library membership. It normally gives you a certain “allowance” of how many movies you can stream per month, but they do have a really solid library. There also is a pretty extensive list of classics available.https://ift.tt/2UjupgT...
Jason X is the best Friday the 13th movie and is one of the greatest horror movies ever. It even has social commentatary that rivals “Us”

So firstly let’s look at why this movie is the greatest.At school all of us loved liquid nitrogen. We had some science exhibition come and freeze a flower then smash it. That was the greatest thing ever. Now imagine if that happened to a persons face. Imagine no more cos this happens in the masterpiece of Jason X.Everyone...
Edgar Wright's 'Shaun of the Dead' is being released in movies theaters in Japan for the first time ever this week.

Weird that there is no post or small news article about this anywhere but I just found out (from Edgar Wright's Instagram) and thought it was interesting. Shaun of the Dead is being released in theaters for the first time ever this weekend in Japan, after a 15-year wait.I guess there's a zombie renaissance going on there...
Odd Thomas is an Underappreciated Fun Little Horror Movie

Odd Thomas came out in 2013 and starred Anton Yelchin as the titular lead. Even though I'd actually read all of the Odd Thomas series I didn't even find out til recently that they ever made a movie out of them. This movie is book 1 of the series.Before watching I did some googling on the movie and from what I found I...